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  • Embracing the waves: Women redefining boundaries in their 60s

    Surfing is often associated with youth and adventure, but age should never deter anyone from pursuing their passions and trying something new. For women in their 60s, learning to surf can be an empowering and exhilarating journey that defies societal expectations. Join us as we delve into the benefits of taking up surfing as a female in your 60's. Rediscovering Strength and Confidence Learning to surf in your 60's can be a transformative experience that helps women rediscover their strength and build unwavering confidence. Riding the waves requires physical fitness, balance, and mental focus, allowing women to tap into their inner power. As they push themselves beyond their comfort zones, they discover newfound abilities and accomplishments that defy age-related stereotypes. The feeling of riding a wave becomes a reminder that age is just a number, fuelling a renewed sense of confidence and self-belief. Cultivating Mindfulness and Connection with Nature Surfing is not only a physical activity but also a spiritual and soulful experience. For women in their 60s, surfing provides an opportunity to connect with nature on a profound level. Paddling through the water, feeling the ocean beneath their board, and being surrounded by the vastness of the sea fosters a sense of mindfulness and appreciation for the beauty of the natural world. It becomes a meditative practice that brings a sense of peace, rejuvenation, and a renewed perspective on life. Nurturing Camaraderie and Support The surfing community is known for its inclusivity and camaraderie, and women in their 60s who embark on this journey can also find themselves welcomed with open arms. Surfing brings together individuals of different ages, backgrounds, and abilities who share a common love for the sport. By joining surf clubs, participating in women surf retreats, or connecting with fellow surfers at the beach, these women create strong bonds of friendship and support. The shared experiences and encouragement from like-minded individuals create a sense of belonging and inspire each other to push boundaries and pursue their dreams. Inspiring Others and Breaking Stereotypes By embracing the waves in their 60s, women become powerful role models, shattering societal stereotypes about age and limitations. Their courage and determination inspires others, showing that it's never too late to pursue dreams and live life to the fullest. By stepping out of their comfort zones, they break free from societal expectations, paving the way for other women to follow in their footsteps. Their stories demonstrate the importance of embracing one's passions and proving that age should never be a barrier to pursuing adventure. Women in their 60s who take up surfing embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery, strength, and empowerment. By challenging themselves, connecting with nature, and embracing a supportive community, they prove that age is not a limitation but an opportunity to live life with enthusiasm and purpose. Their inspiring stories ignite a spark in others, urging them to break free from societal norms and embrace their passions, regardless of age. So to all the women in their 60's who dream of riding the waves, grab a board, feel the rush of the ocean, and embark on a thrilling adventure that will redefine what it means to live life to the fullest.

  • How to improve paddle fitness for female surfers

    Surfing is more than just a sport; it's a lifestyle and a thrilling adventure that connects you with the ocean's natural beauty. For women who are learning to surf or jumping back into the waves after some time away, building paddle fitness is a crucial step towards mastering this exhilarating water sport. Paddling is the foundation of surfing, and a strong upper body and endurance are essential for catching waves effectively. In this blog, we'll explore some effective ways for women to improve their paddle fitness and enhance their surfing experience. Start with the Proper Technique Before focusing on building strength, it's essential to learn the correct paddling technique. Ask for guidance from experienced surfers or take lessons from a qualified instructors. Proper technique minimises energy wastage and prevents overexertion, allowing you to paddle efficiently for longer durations. Build Core Strength A strong core is the key to stability on your surfboard. Incorporate core-strengthening exercises into your fitness routine, such as planks, leg raises, and bicycle crunches. A strong core enables you to maintain balance while paddling through choppy waters. Upper Body Strength Surfing demands a lot from your upper body, particularly your shoulders, back, and arms. Include exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, and resistance band workouts to target these muscle groups. Dumbbell rows and shoulder presses can also be beneficial. Cardiovascular Conditioning Paddling can be an intense cardiovascular workout, so it's crucial to have good endurance. Engage in aerobic exercises like swimming, running, or cycling to boost your lung capacity and stamina. These activities will help you paddle longer distances without fatigue. Practice Yoga Yoga offers a multitude of benefits for surfers. It enhances flexibility, balance, and breath control. Poses like downward-facing dog, cobra, and warrior II can improve your paddling posture and prevent muscle strain. Swimming Drills Swimming is a fantastic way to mimic the paddling motion and improve your technique. Try incorporating interval swimming workouts into your routine to build strength and stamina. Interval Training High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be particularly effective for surfers. It simulates the burst of energy required to catch a wave and paddle out to the lineup. Include short, intense bursts of exercise followed by brief rest periods in your routine. Paddle Regularly Practice makes perfect. The more time you spend in the water, the better your paddle fitness will become. Try to paddle out whenever you can, even on small or less challenging days. Consistency is key to improvement. Rest and Recovery Don't forget the importance of rest and recovery. Surfing can be physically demanding, so allow your muscles time to repair and grow stronger. Make sure you get adequate sleep, hydration, and a balanced diet are essential for overall fitness. Remember that building paddle fitness is a gradual process. Stay patient and persistent in your efforts. As you progress, you'll find that not only does your paddle fitness improve, but your overall surfing experience becomes more enjoyable and rewarding. So, grab your board, hit the waves, and embrace the journey of becoming a skilled and confident female surfer 🤙🏻

  • The Psychology of Surfing for women

    Surfing isn't just a sport; it's a unique blend of athleticism, artistry, and an intimate connection with nature. While it's a passion shared by many, the psychology of surfing takes on a distinctive dimension for women. It's not merely about riding the waves but also about empowerment, self-discovery, and breaking down barriers. Let's dive into the world of female surfers and explore the psychological aspects that make it an incredible journey. Empowerment Through Mastery Surfing is a sport that requires skill, balance, and determination. For women, mastering the art of riding the waves can be an empowering experience. The sense of achievement that comes from conquering a wave, no matter how small, can boost self-confidence and instills a belief that they can overcome challenges both in and out of the water. Mindfulness and Connection Surfing is a profoundly mindful activity. When women paddle out into the ocean, they leave behind the noise of daily life and connect with the rhythm of the waves. This connection to nature fosters mental clarity, reduces stress, and allows for a sense of presence that can be transformative. Overcoming Fear and Building Resilience Entering the water and facing the unpredictability of the ocean can be daunting. For women, conquering fear is a significant aspect of the psychology of surfing. It's about pushing personal boundaries, embracing discomfort, and discovering the strength to rise after every fall. This resilience gained from surfing often translates into resilience in other life challenges. Community and Camaraderie The surfing community is known for its inclusivity and support. Women surfers often find a strong sense of camaraderie among fellow wave riders and on surf retreats for women. This sense of belonging provides a valuable psychological anchor and encourages women to continue pushing their limits. Breaking Stereotypes and Redefining Beauty Historically, surfing has been portrayed as a male-dominated sport with a particular image of the "surfer girl." However, today's female surfers are breaking stereotypes and redefining what it means to be a woman in the world of surfing. They demonstrate that beauty isn't confined to a narrow ideal, and strength, confidence, and grace come in many forms. Embracing Patience and Acceptance Surfing teaches patience like few other activities. Waiting for the right wave and understanding that not every wave can be conquered is a valuable lesson. This patience often extends to life's challenges, reminding women that not everything can be controlled or rushed. When it comes to surfing, everyone is on their own unique journey, and the ocean doesn't play favorites. The biggest thing to remember is not to compare yourself to anyone else. It's about believing in yourself and the incredible journey you're on. Because we all know that as soon as you start comparing your ride to someone else's, you miss the magic of catching your own wave of self-discovery and empowerment. So, embrace the thrill, savour the zen moments, conquer your fears, and remember, in the end, it's all about riding the wave of your own amazing journey.

  • Overcoming Fear: How to build confidence in the water as a Female Surfer

    Learning to surf is an exhilarating journey, but it can also be daunting, especially for female surfers who may face unique challenges. Fear and anxiety in the water are common obstacles that can hold women back from fully embracing surfing. In this article, we'll explore strategies and mindset techniques to empower female surfers to overcome fear and build confidence in the water. Acknowledge and Normalise Fear The first step in conquering fear is acknowledging its presence. Fear is a natural response to unfamiliar situations, and it's essential to normalise it. Understand that even experienced surfers have moments of trepidation. Recognising this can help to reduce the stigma associated with fear. Embrace Mindfulness and Visualisation Mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing and meditation, can be powerful tools in managing fear. Before hitting the waves, take a moment to center yourself and focus on your breath. Visualisation is also key; imagine yourself riding waves smoothly and confidently. Visualising success can help turn anxiety into excitement. Set Realistic Goals Start with achievable goals tailored to your skill level. Instead of aiming for the biggest waves right away, focus on mastering the basics. Setting small, realistic milestones can boost confidence as you gradually work your way up. Quality Instruction and Practice Investing in quality surf coaching can make a world of difference. Experienced coaches can provide guidance, reassurance, and constructive feedback. With proper technique, you'll not only feel safer but also progress faster, which in itself can be confidence-building. Familiarise Yourself with the Ocean Understanding the ocean's behaviour and respecting its power is crucial. Spend time observing the waves and currents, both from the shore and while in the water. Knowledge about the environment can alleviate some of the fear associated with the unknown. Build a Support System Surfing is often seen as a solo sport, but having a support system can be immensely helpful. Join a women's surf group or find a surf buddy who shares your goals. The camaraderie and encouragement from like-minded women can boost your confidence. Learn to Fall Safely Falling is part of surfing. Knowing how to fall safely, protect yourself, and resurface quickly can mitigate fear of wipeouts. Practice falling in a controlled environment and gradually work your way up to larger waves. Positive Self-Talk Challenge negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your progress and accomplishments. Celebrate small victories, like successfully catching a wave or improving your balance. A positive mindset can combat fear effectively. Patience and Persistence Building confidence takes time. Be patient with yourself and understand that setbacks are part of the journey. Surfing is not just about conquering waves; it's about personal growth and resilience! Fear is a natural part of learning to surf, but it doesn't have to hold you back. By acknowledging and normalising fear, embracing mindfulness, setting realistic goals, seeking quality coaching and building a support system, female surfers can gradually conquer their fears and develop a profound sense of confidence in the water. Remember, the ocean is not just a playground for experienced surfers; it's a space for all women to learn, grow, and thrive as surfers and as individuals.

  • The age-defying luxury of Surf Retreats for women over 40

    In a world where age is just a number, a new wave of adventure is on the rise. Women over 40 are rewriting the script of their lives, embracing a journey that combines luxury, empowerment, and the thrill of riding the waves. At the heart of this movement lies a unique offering: luxury women's surf retreats. Let's delve into why these retreats are becoming the ultimate escape for mature women seeking a rejuvenating yet adventurous experience. Tailored for Elegance and Adventure Imagine waking up to the sound of crashing waves and stepping onto the sun-kissed sand in a paradisiacal destination. Luxury women's surf retreats are designed to provide a seamless blend of comfort and adventure. From lavish accommodations to gourmet dining, these retreats offer the perfect balance of indulgence and excitement, creating an unforgettable experience that caters to both body and soul. Empowerment Through the Waves Age is no longer a barrier to adventure, and these retreats prove it. Welcoming women of all skill levels, from the very beginners to experienced surfers, they offer expert coaching tailored to individual needs. Surfing is not just about conquering waves; it's about conquering self-doubt and discovering newfound confidence. These retreats provide a supportive environment where women can challenge themselves and embrace empowerment through every wave they catch. Experienced Coaches and Personalised Attention The heart of these retreats lies in their experienced coaching team. These skilled surfers and teachers bring a wealth of knowledge to the table, ensuring that every participant receives personalised guidance. For those who are taking their first steps on a surfboard, patient instruction paves the way to success. And for the experienced surfers, advanced techniques and tips take their skills to new heights. Cultural Immersion: Waves and Beyond Luxury women's surf retreats are about more than just the surf; they're about embracing the culture and traditions of each destination. Participants have the opportunity to engage with local communities, savour authentic cuisine, and immerse themselves in the heartbeat of the region. This cultural enrichment goes hand in hand with the physical thrill of surfing, creating a holistic experience that broadens horisons. Connections That Last a Lifetime One of the most rewarding aspects of these retreats is the connections formed. Women who share a love for adventure and self-discovery come together to form lasting friendships. The bond created over shared experiences, laughter, and the joy of catching waves transcends age and background, underscoring the power of collective spirit. Luxury women's surf retreats are an invitation to defy expectations and embrace the beauty of ageless adventure. These retreats prove that every stage of life is an opportunity to learn, grow, and revel in new experiences. Whether you're 40 or 70, the waves await, promising not just an exhilarating ride but a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and lasting connections. So, why wait? It's time to ride the waves of luxury and age-defying empowerment like never before. So what are you waiting for? Join us at one of our tropical destinations and see for yourself why everyone is raving about them!

  • Riding the wave of confidence: How surf retreats build confidence in women over 40

    Embarking on the journey of learning to surf can be a life-changing experience at any age, but especially for women over 40. Surfing not only allows you to ride the waves of the ocean but also the waves of self-discovery and empowerment. One avenue that has gained immense popularity for women seeking a transformative experience is luxury learn to surf retreats tailored to women. So let's delve into the world of surf retreats and explore how they play a pivotal role in boosting confidence and fostering a deep sense of empowerment. Empowerment through Learning a New Skill At the heart of the empowerment that surf retreats offer is the learning of a new skill. Learning to surf requires perseverance and determination, which can be particularly rewarding for women over 40. The process of paddling out, catching waves, and maintaining balance on a surfboard instills a sense of achievement that transcends the waves and seeps into all aspects of life. Each successful wave conquered becomes a symbol of overcoming challenges, proving that age is no barrier to acquiring new abilities. Breaking Barriers and Comfort Zones Entering the world of surfing can be intimidating, especially for those who haven't grown up around the ocean. Surf retreats create a supportive and non-judgmental environment that encourage women to step outside their comfort zones. As participants conquer the initial fear of the unknown and ride their first waves, a newfound confidence blossoms. The realisation that they are capable of navigating the waves translates to the belief that they can navigate other challenges too. The Power of Shared Experience Surf retreats often bring together a diverse group of women who share the common goal of learning to surf. This camaraderie fosters a strong sense of empathy and support. Women in their 40s may find comfort in connecting with others who are at a similar life stage, facing similar concerns and aspirations. The bonds formed during these retreats are often enduring, serving as a network of encouragement even after the retreat concludes. Mindfulness and the Art of Presence Surfing requires a deep connection with the ocean and an acute awareness of the present moment. This mindfulness not only enhances the surfing experience but also teaches women to embrace the beauty of being fully present in their lives. The rhythm of the waves, the sensation of gliding on water, and the salt-kissed breeze all combine to create a meditative experience that fosters self-awareness and inner peace. Personal Growth and Transformation The empowerment gained from surf retreats extends far beyond the act of riding waves. It's about recognising one's own strength, embracing change, and acknowledging the beauty of growth. Women who step into the world of surfing later in life learn that age is not a barrier, but a stepping stone to new horizons. The resilience developed through facing the challenges of the ocean translates into resilience in daily life, nurturing personal growth and transformation. Surf retreats for women over 40 provide a nurturing environment for growth, empowerment, and self-discovery. By pushing boundaries, learning new skills, forming connections, and embracing mindfulness, participants emerge with a heightened sense of confidence and a renewed zest for life. These retreats remind us that empowerment knows no age and that every wave conquered is a testament to the power that lies within. So, whether you're a complete beginner or someone looking to reignite a love for the waves, a surf retreat could be the gateway to a more empowered and confident you.

  • Travel tales and life lessons from adventurous middle-aged women

    Life is a journey, and the path is never straight. But in the midst of life's twists and turns, there are stories of courageous and adventurous middle-aged women who have embarked on incredible travel journeys, surfed the waves, and attended luxurious women's surf retreats. These fearless women have not only discovered the world but also uncovered valuable life lessons that they generously share with the world. Join us as we dive into their travel tales of wisdom, filled with inspiration, empowerment, and the beauty of embracing life to the fullest. Embracing Change and Uncertainty Middle age can be a time of reflection and contemplation. Yet, these adventurous women have shown us that it can also be a time of embracing change and stepping into the unknown. Travelling to new destinations, they have learned to be open to the unexpected, to embrace the uncertainties, and to see them not as challenges but as opportunities for growth. Through their journeys, they have discovered that life's most beautiful moments often lie just beyond the horizon of comfort. Like riding a wave, it takes courage to face the unknown, but the rewards are immeasurable. Finding Strength in Vulnerability As they surf the waves, these women have learned that true strength lies not in being invincible but in embracing vulnerability. In the face of powerful swells and unpredictable tides, they have experienced moments of uncertainty and vulnerability. Yet, they have also discovered that it is through vulnerability that we find our inner strength. Whether navigating the waters or navigating life's challenges, these women have learned that it is okay to ask for help and to lean on others for support. They have found that vulnerability is not a weakness but a testament to our humanity and resilience. Empowering Through Sisterhood Women's surf retreats have become a sanctuary of empowerment and camaraderie. In these luxurious havens, adventurous women from different walks of life come together, forming a sisterhood of surfers. Through the shared passion for surfing, they forge connections that go beyond the waves. The power of sisterhood shines as they support and uplift each other, celebrating triumphs and offering encouragement during moments of doubt. These retreats have taught them that women supporting women can create an unstoppable force of positivity and empowerment. Living in the Present Moment Traveling, surfing, and attending women's surf retreats have taught these women to live in the present moment. In the vastness of the ocean or amidst the splendour of a new place, they have learned to savour every moment, to immerse themselves fully in the experience, and to be grateful for the beauty that surrounds them. In a world that often moves at breakneck speed, these women have found the art of slowing down and cherishing the small joys. They have learned that life is not just about reaching the destination but about embracing the journey with wonder and appreciation. Cultivating Resilience and Adaptability Traveling to different countries and experiencing diverse cultures, these women have faced challenges and learned to adapt. They have discovered the strength to navigate through unforeseen circumstances, whether it's a missed flight or a change in surf conditions. Through their adventures, they have cultivated resilience and the ability to bounce back from setbacks. They have shown us that life may not always go as planned, but with determination and adaptability, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way. In the adventurous tales of these women, we find wisdom that inspires and empowers us all. From embracing change to finding strength in vulnerability, their journeys teach us to surf life's waves with courage and grace. Let's embrace adventure, live in the present moment, and discover the beauty of life's journey. Get ready to ride the wave of inspiration on your own unforgettable adventures! Join us on one of our luxury surf retreats in destinations all over the world.

  • Surf tips for beginner surfers

    Surfing is a thrilling and exciting sport, but for many women, it can also be intimidating. Whether you're a complete beginner or have been dabbling in the sport for a while, here are some tips to help you get started and make the most of your surfing experience. First and foremost, when it comes to surfing, the right equipment is key. Another tip for beginner female surfers is to start with a foam board. Foam boards, also known as soft top boards or beginner boards, are a great option for new surfers because they are more buoyant and have a softer surface, making them more forgiving if you happen to fall or collide with the board. They are also more stable and easier to control, which will help you develop your balance and technique more quickly. Additionally, foam boards are typically less expensive than traditional fiberglass boards, making them a more budget-friendly option for beginners. As you progress and become more confident in your abilities, you can then move on to a traditional fiberglass board. Another essential aspect of surfing is proper technique. Even if you have the right equipment, without the right technique, you'll struggle to catch waves and stand up on your board. A great way to learn proper surfing technique is to take a surf lesson from a professional instructor. They can teach you the basics of surfing and help you develop good technique from the start. This will save you a lot of time and frustration in the long run. Safety is always a top priority when it comes to surfing. Always wear a leash to keep yourself attached to your board, and be aware of your surroundings, including other surfers and potential hazards like rocks or reef. Additionally, always wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays. One of the most important skills you'll need to master as a surfer is paddling. Paddling is an essential part of surfing, so practice it as much as you can. This will help you build upper body strength and make it easier to catch waves. When you're out in the water, focus on keeping your body in a horizontal position and use your core muscles to propel yourself forward. Learning to surf takes time and patience, so don't get discouraged if you don't catch a wave or stand up on your first try. Keep at it and you'll improve with time. Remember that everyone starts somewhere, and even the most experienced surfers had to learn the basics at some point. Finally, one of the best things you can do as a beginner surfer is to find a supportive community. Surfing can be a lonely sport if you don't have friends or other surfers to share the experience with. Look for a supportive community of female surfers who can give you tips, advice and encouragement. Not only will this make your surfing experience more enjoyable, but it will also give you a sense of belonging and camaraderie. To sum it all up, surfing can be an exciting and rewarding sport for women. By starting with the right equipment, taking a lesson, focusing on safety, practicing your paddling, being patient and finding a supportive community, you'll be well on your way to becoming a skilled surfer. So don't be afraid to give it a try, and enjoy the ride! Join us on one of our learn to surf vacations around the world, or at one of our local surf clinics or learn to surf lessons.

  • Women's Surf Camps empowering the Fabulous Forties, Fiery Fifties, and Sassy Sixties

    Attention thrill-seekers and wave-riders! Get ready to embark on an adventure like no other as we dive into the wonderful world of women's surf camps! And guess what? Age is just a number in these surfing paradises, where ladies in their fabulous forties, fiery fifties, and sassy sixties ride waves and conquer their fears with style and flair. Surfing, my friends, is not just a sport – it's a liberating experience that brings you closer to nature, to your inner badass selves and to where the magic happens! Picture a tribe of fabulous women coming together, high-fiving each other, and shouting "stoked!" like a bunch of surf-loving superheroes. Let's talk about empowerment, because that's what these surf camps are really all about! We create a supportive, non-judgmental zone where we cheer each other on, embrace our imperfections, and celebrate our achievements. It's a sisterhood of surf mermaids, ready to take on the waves and anything life throws our way! Now, I know what you might be thinking – "Surfing? At this age? Am I up for it?" Oh, you bet you are! Women's surf camps are here to prove that age is just a silly number that doesn't define your passion for adventure. So, say goodbye to those doubts and get ready to catch that wave like the rockstar you are! The best part? We're all in this together! No worries if you're a complete newbie – our surf coaches have got your back! They'll teach you the moves, share their wisdom, and help you become a surf goddess in no time. Whether you're just starting out or getting back into it since the kids have left home, you'll be riding the waves like nobody's business! It's not just about surfing, it's also about embracing fear and discovering your fearless warrior within. As you paddle out to catch your first wave, you'll realise that life's all about taking chances and conquering those "what ifs" with a big grin on your face. And hey, let's not forget the amazing friends you'll make along the way! Our surf camps are not just about mastering the waves; they're about forming bonds that will last a lifetime. After a day of surf and sun, you'll be having a wine, swapping stories, laughing, and creating memories that'll make your hearts smile. So, to all the fabulous women in their forties, fifties, and sixties, it's time to catch the wave and ride the adventure of a lifetime! Our women's surf camps are calling your name, ready to show you that age is just a number, and the ocean is waiting to be your playground. Where will you go!?!

  • Is it difficult to stand up on a surfboard?

    Have you ever watched surfers gracefully gliding across the waves and wondered, "Is it difficult to stand up on a surfboard?" The answer may surprise you. While surfing certainly has its challenges, mastering the art of standing up on a surfboard is an achievable feat with some practice and determination. First and foremost, it's important to acknowledge that surfing is a dynamic sport that requires physical fitness, coordination, and balance. Balancing on a moving board while navigating the ever-changing waves can be initially challenging. However, with the right approach and mindset, anyone can learn to stand up on a surfboard and experience the exhilaration of riding a wave. Here are a few key factors to consider when tackling the task of standing up on a surfboard: Proper Technique Learning the proper technique for standing up, also known as "popping up," is essential. Start by lying on your board with your chest slightly lifted and your hands planted firmly on the board near the sides of your ribcage. From this position, quickly push up with your arms, extend your legs, and bring your back foot forward while placing your front foot near the centre of the board. Practicing this motion on land before hitting the water can help build muscle memory and increase your chances of success in the water. Body Awareness and Core Strength Core strength plays a vital role in maintaining balance on a surfboard. Engaging your core muscles, such as your abdominals and lower back, can help you stabilise your body and maintain proper posture while standing up. Exercises like yoga, pilates, and balance training can greatly enhance your body awareness and strengthen the muscles necessary for surfing. Patience and Persistence Like any new skill, learning to stand up on a surfboard requires patience and persistence. It's important to approach the learning process with a positive mindset and embrace the challenges along the way. It's normal to experience falls and wipeouts as you develop your skills, but each one brings you closer to mastering the art of standing up on the board. Qualified Instruction Seeking guidance from qualified surf instructors can significantly expedite your progress. They can provide valuable insights, correct your technique, and offer tips tailored to your specific needs. Professional surf coaching ensures you develop good habits from the start and can help you overcome any hurdles you may encounter. Practice Makes Perfect The more time you spend in the water practicing, the better you'll become at standing up on a surfboard. Regularly dedicating time to surf sessions or even joining a learn to surf retreat will allow you to develop your balance, improve your timing, and gain a deeper understanding of the waves. Remember, even the most experienced surfers continue to refine their skills through consistent practice. So, is it difficult to stand up on a surfboard? Initially it may present a challenge, but with some dedication, practice, and a willingness to embrace the learning process, standing up on a surfboard is definitely an attainable goal. Remember, surfing is not just about standing up; it's about connecting with nature, finding joy in the ocean, meeting great people and experiencing the thrill of riding a wave. If learning to surf is on your bucket list, make sure you join us in one of our surfing lessons or our surfing vacations for women.

  • The rise of women-only adventure travel groups

    Let's talk about something super exciting - the rise of women-only adventure travel groups! These amazing groups are shaking up the world of adventure travel, empowering women, and forging strong bonds that last a lifetime. From conquering mountains to navigating wild rivers, learning to surf, and so much more, these fearless women are breaking barriers, fostering growth, and forming connections that go way beyond just travelling together. These female-only adventure travel groups create such an incredible sense of sisterhood. It's all about supporting each other, cheering one another on, and proving that gender has nothing to do with being a daring adventurer! You know what's even more awesome? These travel groups are all about skill-building and personal growth. It's not just about the adrenaline rush; it's about learning new skills, gaining confidence, and discovering just how strong and capable you are. From rock climbing to wilderness survival, learning to surf, and so much more, these adventures not only challenge you physically but also help you develop invaluable life skills. Talk about leveling up in life! But it's not all about the adventure, it's about what it represents. For many women, these groups are a way to reclaim their independence and freedom. In a world where women's roles are sometimes limited, these groups offer a chance to break free and embrace the beauty of independence. It's about taking charge of your own destiny and savouring the liberating feeling of exploring the world on your own terms. And guess what? The strength of these women-only adventure travel groups is no joke! When these fierce ladies come together, they are unstoppable. It's not just about proving themselves; it's about challenging societal norms and showing the world what women can do. United in their love for adventure and the great outdoors, they form bonds that go way beyond the trips. The friendships they create are genuine, lasting, and sometimes even life-changing. Oh, and the impact they're making is just incredible! By inspiring future generations of adventurers, they're changing the game. These groups show young girls that they, too, can be fearless explorers and adventurers. They're rewriting the script, creating more inclusive and diverse spaces for adventure travel. It's not just about having fun; it's about leaving a legacy for the generations to come. Female-only adventure travel groups are all about community, empowerment, and shared experiences. They're breaking down barriers, empowering women to be their best selves, and forming friendships that are built on trust, camaraderie, and the love for adventure. So if you've ever thought about stepping out of your comfort zone and learning to surf, consider joining one of our amazing tours. It's not just about the adventures; it's about finding your tribe, embracing your power, and proving that women can be daring adventurers too! The world is waiting for you, so why not break some barriers and make memories that will last a lifetime? Adventure awaits!

  • Can I surf when I have my period?

    Hey there, ladies! Let's tackle a question that's been on the minds of many surfing gals: Can I still hit the waves when Aunt Flo pays a visit? The answer is a resounding YES! Surfing during your period is totally doable and can even bring some unique benefits and self-care moments. So let's dive in and get all the details. First things first, let's address any concerns you might have about comfort and staying fresh while riding those waves: Find Your Perfect Gear Choosing the right menstrual products is key. Whether you prefer a trusty menstrual cup or specially designed period swimwear, find what works best for you. It's all about feeling comfortable and secure while enjoying the water. Keep It Clean Hygiene is a priority, and a little extra care goes a long way. Before you hit the surf, make sure to start fresh by changing your menstrual product and giving yourself a quick rinse. And don't forget to bring a small bag to discreetly store used products until you can dispose of them properly. Now, let's bust some myths and address your concerns about the impact of surfing on your menstrual flow and overall well-being: Flow Woes You might be wondering if catching those waves will affect your flow. Well, fear not! Surfing typically won't alter your flow pattern. The gentle sensation of the water can actually be quite soothing. Of course, always listen to your body and adjust your surfing routine if you feel the need. After all, you know your flow better than anyone else! Hello, Surfing Therapy Surfing is not just a physical activity; it's also a form of therapy. When you hit those waves, you're giving your body a boost of exercise-induced endorphins. That means potential relief from cramps, reduced bloating, and an overall mood lift. Who doesn't want to ride the waves and have a good time while their period takes its course? Remember, every body is unique, so it's important to listen to yours. If you experience severe menstrual symptoms or have any concerns, it's always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider. But for the most part, riding the waves during your period is about embracing self-care and honouring your body's needs. Of course, if you feel like taking a break from surfing during your period and engaging in more gentle water activities, that's totally cool too! The key is to do what makes you feel good and comfortable. It's your time to relax, rejuvenate, and enjoy some me-time. So, ladies, let's debunk any misconceptions and paddle out with confidence during our periods. With a little prep and self-awareness, you can rock those waves at any time of the month. Embrace the ocean, connect with your body, and celebrate the incredible strength that comes with being a woman who surfs—period or no period. Let the waves be your sanctuary, and ride on!

  • I’m 53 and I am going to learn to surf. Here’s why…

    The day I turned 30 I gave birth to my first child. In quick succession I had two more pregnancies and had three young babies within three and a half years. I was the primary carer of my children and I continued to work and, with various iterations of success, downright failure and a good dose of grit and sheer survival, I managed to integrate motherhood with my career. For much of the last 23 years of my life I have rarely prioritised myself. For much of the last 23 years of my life, I have been monumentally selfless. I don’t expect a prize for this. On the contrary, it makes me very much the same as literally every other woman I know — we are all quite fundamentally helpful, generous, altruistic givers. My kids are now young adults and they are in the process of breaking up with me. It is a long, drawn out and often brutally painful break-up. Some days they want every part of me— mentally, emotionally and physically, and then for days on end they simply aren’t even here. They are at that stage in their own lives where they have one foot firmly planted in childhood and the other firmly planted in adulthood. I have spent 23 years being their primary carer, but all of a sudden I am no longer the sun they need or want to orbit around. All of which is normal and wonderful and right on time because my children are young adults and they are forging their own lives. However, it also means I have the opportunity to forge the next stage of my own magnificent life too. My children are no longer the sun that I need to orbit around. I am sick of working every hour god sent. My life to this point has been incredible and worthwhile and wonderful and exactly what it needed to be and I would not change a thing — but there’s so much more to be had. Because I’m not sure whether all of this ‘current state’ I have been living is fulfilling enough for me any more. I have ceaselessly compromised and I don’t want to compromise any more. I have ceaselessly nurtured my children and, while I will continue to love them endlessly, it is now time to nurture myself. I have money, my health, time and space. I have worked hard all my life and I am financially secure. I have worked hard to be time affluent. I have worked hard to stay fit and healthy and energised. I am tenacious. I am courageous. I am fearless. I am thriving professionally. I feel very good in my skin. I am brimming with wisdom and experience and knowledge. I am self-reliant and self-assured and somewhere along the journey my confidence and my common sense and my prudence and my self-knowledge have allowed me to discard that part of my ego that used to care what other people think of me. I am exactly where I need to be— which is, I am fast approaching a place of having no more f**ks to give. I am only 53. I have my whole life ahead of me and I am desperate to live it stupendously. I feel like I have been waiting for this moment for years. I am very happily moving into the phase in my life where I get to experience the exquisite joy of becoming unapologetically selfish. It is my turn. And that’s exactly why I am going to learn to surf. Join Kate and nine other amazing women on our exclusive learn to surf tour where you'll hear first hand Kate's amazing story and experience a life changing week in paradise! But hurry it's kicking off on Sunday 20th August! This is an edited extract from The Life List: Master Every Moment and Live an Audacious Life, by Kate Christie and published by Wiley 2023.

  • Why the Maldives is the perfect destination for beginner surfers

    The Maldives is renowned worldwide as an exceptional holiday destination for surfers. With its tropical ambiance, crystal-clear waters, breathtaking landscapes, enchanting sunsets, and year-round world-class waves, this archipelago sets the ultimate standard for surfing. Contrary to popular belief, the Maldives is not exclusively a paradise for experienced surfers. With over a thousand islands, numerous reefs, and a variety of wave breaks, even beginner surfers can find ideal spots with gentle, rolling waves to embark on their surfing journey. Let's explore a few reasons why choosing the Maldives for your first surf adventure is a fantastic idea. Waves for all levels The Maldives is a perfect place for beginner surfers because it has everything you need. With so many islands, there are waves for all types of swells, wind directions, and tides. You can find different types of waves too, from big and powerful ones to smaller and more gentle ones. If you're a beginner looking for smaller waves, you'll love the protected areas where the waves are less powerful. These spots are perfect for getting started and gaining confidence in your surfing skills. Plenty of Non-Surfing Activities for Leisure Days While you may be eager to learn and progress, spending prolonged periods paddling and in the water can take a toll on your body. It's essential to take breaks when needed. Fortunately, the Maldives offers a wide range of adventures and activities to enjoy both in and out of the water during your surf-free time. You can go snorkelling to explore the vibrant underwater world or try fishing to catch dinner with the help of the crew. Island adventures are also fantastic, from discovering deserted islands to visiting local villages or simply relaxing on an empty white sand beach under a coconut tree, surrounded by crystal-clear waters. You can customise your holiday based on what you enjoy most. Expert Guides to Lead the Way For beginner surfers, it's highly advisable to have a local guide who understands the conditions and can make informed decisions about where and when to surf based on your skill level. At Surf Getaways our trusty local crew are fantastic at consistently finding the best available conditions for our female surfers. With the added advantage of two independent smaller boats, we can accommodate different skill levels and cater to diverse preferences within the group. So if you've been hesitant to embark on that dream trip to the Maldives and experience its perfect waves, it's time to cast aside any doubts and join us. Come aboard our 10-day luxury cruise through the Maldivian atolls, accompanied by an inspiring group of women, a world-class Surf Getaways guide, and a skilled local crew. This unforgettable journey will create lifelong memories that will stay with you forever. Book one of the last spots for 2023 and you can save $600 before the end of July!!

  • From first timers to wave warriors: Unforgettable learn-to-surf experiences for women

    Surfing has always been an empowering and exhilarating activity, and now more than ever, women are embracing the waves and discovering their inner surf goddesses. With surf getaways tailored specifically for women, even those who have never touched a surfboard can embark on a transformative journey to become confident wave warriors. Let's dive into the unforgettable learn-to-surf experiences that await adventurous women in these beginner-friendly surf getaways. Mastering the Art of Surfing Surf getaways for women prioritise a beginner-friendly approach, ensuring that women of all skill levels feel comfortable and supported in their surfing journey. These experiences provide expert instruction from highly skilled and passionate surf coaches who understand the unique challenges and needs of female surfers. Whether you're a first-timer or you have some previous experience, our coaches will guide you through the fundamentals of paddling, pop-ups, and riding the waves. They break down the techniques into easy-to-understand steps, building a solid foundation for your surfing skills. Supportive and Empowering Environment Surf Getaways cultivate a supportive and empowering environment where camaraderie and friendships flourish. Women from diverse backgrounds come together, creating a strong sense of community and sisterhood on the sand. The shared experiences and challenges create an atmosphere of encouragement, motivating everyone to push their boundaries and overcome their fears. Surrounded by like-minded individuals, women gain the confidence to conquer the waves and embrace their inner strength. Progression Opportunities Offering more than just a one-time experience; Surf Getaways provide progression opportunities for women to continue to refine their skills. As women gain confidence in the water, they can explore more challenging waves, destinations and develop advanced techniques. Surf Getaways surf holidays offer multiple levels of instruction, allowing women to advance at their own pace. Whether it's making it out past the first wave, riding green waves or perfecting turns, Surf Getaways provide a supportive platform for women to reach new heights in their surfing journey. With expert instruction, a welcoming environment, and progression opportunities, women can confidently transform from first-timers to wave warriors. Whether you're seeking a thrilling adventure or a chance to connect with nature and yourself, these surf getaways offer the perfect opportunity to ride the waves and embrace the incredible world of surfing. Get ready to unleash your inner surf goddess!

  • Surfing: A fun and effective way to achieve your fitness goals

    Living by the beach presents a remarkable opportunity for individuals to embrace surfing and indulge in its myriad of positive effects. Renowned for its comprehensive nature, surfing offers a plethora of physical and psychological benefits, making it an ideal pursuit for those seeking a vibrant and wholesome lifestyle in harmony with nature. In particular, women who aspire to cultivate a nourishing routine and attain a regular dose of vitality, self-assurance, and empowerment will find surfing to be an exceptional choice. Join us as we explore the remarkable physical advantages of surfing and delve into why it stands as an outstanding workout option. Coordination When first starting out, the intricacies of surfing techniques and the mechanics of rising from a prone position on a surfboard can pose a challenge for any aspiring surfer. However, through dedicated practice, surfing becomes a remarkable teacher of coordination and muscle memory, stimulating both the body and mind in tandem. Flexibility Surfing shares commonalities with yoga, as its movements and postures often mirror those found in yoga practice. This inherent synergy fosters increased flexibility and suppleness throughout the entire muscular system. Embracing the dynamic movements and varied poses of surfing not only enhances performance in the water but also reduces the risk of injuries in both surfing and everyday life, contributing to an overall stronger and more agile physique. Strength Surfing is a holistic workout that engages and strengthens every facet of the body. From the demanding exertion of the arms, shoulders, core, and back during paddling and getting up on the board, to the continuous activation of leg muscles and abdominal engagement while riding the waves, each session delivers a comprehensive full-body workout. Surfing leaves you invigorated and empowered, as it develops strength across all muscle groups. Calorie Burn The number of calories burned during a surf session largely depends on the intensity of the waves. Battling through choppy and turbulent conditions results in a significantly higher calorie expenditure compared to the smoother, more relaxed days where reaching the lineup and catching waves feels effortless. Regardless of the specific conditions, the act of paddling, riding waves, and immersing oneself in the ocean offers a far more effective and gratifying alternative to a sedentary lifestyle. So, leave the couch behind, get your body in motion, and experience the remarkable boost to your overall health and well-being. Cardiovascular Fitness Health authorities recommend a minimum of 150 minutes of cardio exercise per week, equivalent to approximately 30 minutes of activity on five days. While running, spinning, and other moderate-intensity workouts can fulfill this requirement, they often lack the excitement and sustainable appeal necessary to establish a consistent routine. Surfing, on the other hand, serves as an ideal alternative to attain cardiovascular fitness goals. Its inherent cardiovascular demands enhance the health of the heart, lungs, and blood circulation, providing an enjoyable and invigorating means of meeting recommended exercise guidelines. Skin Health Saltwater serves as a natural exfoliant, detoxifying the skin by eliminating the pollutants and chemicals it accumulates throughout the day. Many skincare products incorporate ocean water for its healing properties in treating various skin conditions. By immersing yourself in the ocean and indulging in the joy of surfing, you not only receive a full-body treatment but also reap the benefits of improved skin health directly from the source. As you can see, surfing is a complete way of exercising, connecting many body parts and strengthening most of your muscles. Add that to all the psychological benefits and we can’t think of any other form of exercise that will offer that many benefits. Whatever reason resonates with you, surfing is a great workout, an great way to have some fun, and the perfect way to connect with nature and promote your mental health. If you’re looking for a way to get introduced to the world of surfing, get in touch, join our surf clinics or immerse in one of our surf experiences. You’ll open up a whole new world of fun and fitness!

  • Nutrition tips for female surfers

    Nutrition plays a crucial role in the performance and overall well-being of surfers, and female surfers are no exception. Proper nutrition can help you recover faster from training, improve your endurance and strength, and fuel your body for a day on the waves. In this blog, we'll provide some essential nutrition tips for female surfers to help you make the most of your time in the water. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate Surfing is a physically demanding activity, and it's essential to stay hydrated before, during and after your surf sessions. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, cramps, and reduced performance, so make sure you drink plenty of water before and after your sessions. Make sure you bring a water bottle with you to the beach and electrolyte-rich sports drinks can also be a good option to replenish lost fluids and minerals. Fuel Up with Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the body's main source of fuel and are essential for providing energy during surf sessions. Make sure to include plenty of carbohydrates in your diet in the form of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. You can also opt for carb-rich snacks like granola bars, bananas, or rice cakes to fuel up before your sessions. Get Your Protein Fix Protein is essential for repairing and building muscle, and female surfers need plenty of it to maintain their strength and endurance. Good sources of protein include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, and plant-based options like beans, lentils, and tofu. Don't Skimp on Fats Fats are an important source of energy, and they play a crucial role in hormone production and overall health. Make sure to include healthy fats in your diet like nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil. However, limit your intake of unhealthy fats like trans and saturated fats found in fried foods and processed snacks. Eat a Well-Balanced Meal Before Surfing Eating a well-balanced meal before surfing is crucial to ensure that you have enough energy to last the whole session. A meal high in carbohydrates and protein, such as a sandwich with whole grain bread, turkey, and avocado, can provide the fuel and energy you need. Avoid heavy or fatty meals that can lead to indigestion or nausea while surfing. Snack on Healthy Foods After Surfing After surfing, your body needs to replenish its glycogen stores and repair muscle tissue. A snack high in carbohydrates and protein, such as a fruit smoothie with almond milk and protein powder, can help you recover and refuel. Limit Processed Foods and Sugar Processed foods and sugar are high in calories and low in nutrients, and they can lead to weight gain, energy crashes, and reduced performance. Limit your intake of junk foods and opt for whole, nutrient-dense foods instead. Proper nutrition is essential for female surfers to perform at their best and stay healthy. By following these nutrition tips, you can ensure that you have the energy and fuel you need to tackle the waves and enjoy your sessions to the fullest. Remember, nutrition is an ongoing process, and it's important to stay mindful of what you eat and drink and make healthy choices to support your surfing goals. If you need help reaching your surfing goals, or even motivation to get back on your board after a bit of a break make sure you check out our surfing activities and adventure surf travel.

  • If you like yoga and meditation, here's why you should give surfing a go

    Yoga and meditation have become increasingly popular over the years, and for good reason. They offer numerous physical and mental benefits, such as reducing stress, improving flexibility, and increasing self-awareness. However, for women who have already tried these practices and are looking for a new challenge, surfing can be an excellent option. Let's explore why women who have tried yoga and meditation should give surfing a go! Firstly, surfing is an excellent form of exercise that provides numerous health benefits. It requires a combination of strength, endurance, balance, and flexibility, which makes it a full-body workout. Paddling out to the waves works the upper body muscles, while standing up and riding the waves engages the legs and core. This can lead to increased cardiovascular fitness, improved muscular strength and endurance, and better overall health. In addition to the physical benefits, surfing also has mental health benefits. Like yoga and meditation, surfing requires a great deal of focus and concentration. It requires you to be completely present in the moment and to let go of any distractions or thoughts. This can be a great way to clear your mind and reduce stress. Furthermore, surfing can provide a sense of freedom and empowerment. Catching a wave and riding it can be an exhilarating experience, and the feeling of being in control of your body and the ocean can be incredibly empowering. It can also be a great way to connect with nature and appreciate its beauty. Another reason why women who have tried yoga and meditation should give surfing a go is the sense of community that comes with it. Surfing is a sport that is often practiced in groups, and there is a strong sense of camaraderie among surfers. This is a great opportunity to make new friends and build relationships with people who share similar interests. Surfing can also be a great way to challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone. Trying something new and unfamiliar can be intimidating, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. It can help you build self-confidence and develop a sense of resilience and perseverance. It's also a great way to travel the world, as some of the worlds best locations are also great surfing destinations. Lastly, surfing can be a fun and enjoyable activity. It offers an opportunity to be playful and to let loose, which can boost your mood and can be a great way to relieve stress. It can also provide a sense of adventure and excitement, and the thrill of catching a wave can be addictive. So while yoga and meditation are excellent practices that offer numerous physical and mental benefits, surfing can offer a new and exciting challenge for women who have already tried these practices. It provides a full-body workout, mental clarity, a sense of community, an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, and a fun and enjoyable experience. So, if you’re looking for a new adventure, why not give surfing a go and try one of our womens learn to surf clinics or join us on one of our learn to surf retreats!

  • Pop-up techniques to catch green waves

    Once you've got the hang of surfing in the whitewash, its time to upgrade your surf skills to catching green waves. So if you can read the waves, feel confident catching broken waves and are riding straight, it's time to take your surfing to the next level by catching green waves and surfing down the line. Having the right foundations and applying good techniques will make a big difference on how long it takes you to feel confident in a new, more complex environment. Reading unbroken waves, finding the sweet spot for take-off, correct paddling, basic pop-up technique, and standing posture will be crucial skills to succeed. Picking the right wave Once you’re sitting in the lineup and have identified where the wave breaks, it’s the moment to pick the right wave and figure out your timing. When you see the wave coming and start paddling, make sure you keep glancing over your shoulder and keep looking at the wave to make sure you’re in the right spot (the peak of the wave) and have the right speed to match the wave you're paddling for at the right time. Tip: Paddle perpendicular to the wave for until you’re on the last couple of strokes, then you want to angle the board slightly by paddling sideways. Do not angle too much, as this will make you paddle over the shoulder and lose the wave. Once the wave catches you, you must take the drop from the top of the wave. The take-off is one of the main changes with catching whitewash waves, as you're now facing a quicker take-off. You’ll have to take off right at the peak and get ready to go down the line and follow the face of the wave. The take-off Let's start with the basics - look where you want to go. This rule applies to any wave and at any stage of your surfing journey. If you’re catching a right-hand wave, you’ll want to be looking towards the right, focusing on that part of the wave where you want to be riding (along the face/shoulder). Once you get on your prawn position, with your board slightly angled and looking at where you want to go, apply a bit more pressure on the inside rail to mark the angling and make sure you’re sticking to the wave and not going down straight. If you don't, chances are you'll lose the wave and get caught in the whitewash. Make sure that when you stand up, your feet are correctly positioned in the centre of the board or even slightly towards the inside rail to help with positioning. If your feet end up closer to the outside rail, no matter how much you're looking at the wave or have your body well positioned, the board will steer towards the other side and make you miss the wave. Once you’re going down the line, stay compressed and find your way along the face of the wave. You want to stay closer to the pocket of the wave as it’s where most of the energy and speed of the wave generates. Tip: If you surf too far forward along the face of the wave, it will eventually lose energy and you’ll lose speed and balance, most likely falling off. If you're struggling to take your surfing to the next level and catch green waves consistently, our team of female coaches are ready to help you at any time. Join our Intermediate Surf Clinics or come to one of our Surf Getaways to drastically improve your surfing. You can also join us for a week of surf heaven in tropical destinations such as the Maldives, Mexico, Bali or Morocco.

  • Why women over 40 are obsessed with adventure travel

    Adventure travel is a growing trend among women over 40, and surf holidays are among the most popular types of adventure travel experiences. Surfing is a physically and mentally demanding activity, but it's also a thrilling and rewarding experience that can provide women over 40 with a sense of accomplishment, excitement, and adventure. See why women over 40 love adventure travel, including surf holidays with Surf Getaways. Embracing a new challenge Women over 40 are often at a stage in their lives where they're looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow. Surfing provides a unique and demanding challenge that can help women push themselves out of their comfort zone and to try something new. With Surf Getaways, women can also experience the thrill of surfing in exotic destinations around the world, providing a sense of adventure and excitement that's hard to find elsewhere. Finding balance and wellness Surfing is an excellent form of exercise that can help women over 40 find balance and wellness. It requires strength, flexibility, and endurance, providing a full-body workout that's both physically and mentally demanding. With Surf Getaways, women can experience the benefits of surfing in beautiful, tropical destinations, providing a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation that's essential for physical and mental wellness. Connecting with like-minded people Surf Getaways provides women over 40 with the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for adventure travel and surfing. With Surf Getaways, women can make new friends, share their experiences, and connect with a community of surfers who share their love of adventure travel. Exploring new destinations and cultures Adventure travel is all about exploring new destinations and cultures, and surf holidays with Surf Getaways provide women with the opportunity to do just that. From tropical destinations like Fiji, Mexcio and even the Maldives, Surf Getaways provides women with the opportunity to experience new cultures, try new foods, and explore new destinations in a way that's both exciting and rewarding. Building confidence and self-esteem Surfing is a challenging sport that requires confidence and self-esteem. By learning to surf, women over 40 can build their confidence and self-esteem and experience the thrill of adventure travel in a new and exciting way. With Surf Getaways, women can experience the benefits of surfing in a supportive and encouraging environment, providing a sense of accomplishment and self-esteem that's hard to find elsewhere. That's why women over 40 love adventure travel! It's the sense of adventure, excitement, and wellness that it provides. With the opportunity to learn a new skill, connect with like-minded individuals, build confidence, and explore new destinations and cultures. So, if you're a woman over 40 looking for an adventure travel experience that's both exciting and rewarding, consider a surf holiday with us. Check out our full list of destinations >

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