As strange as it may seem, for a sport that is enjoyed in a great deal of sunshine, a lot of surf equipment won’t last long if its left in direct sunlight. We know that surf gear isn't the cheapest equipment to buy, so below are a few tips on how to maintain your equipment so you can get the most use out of it!
After care for wetsuits is important to ensure longevity. When taking off your wetsuit, make sure you’re not standing on anything sharp or dirty like rocks or gravel. Ideally you want a nice grass area or a wetsuit bucket when taking off your suit. Once you’re home rinse out your wetsuit straight away with fresh water, this could be in a bucket of water or using a hose. Once the wetsuit has been rinsed, hang it out away from direct sunlight. You may find if you leave your wetsuit in direct sunlight for too long the quality of materials will start to deteriorate. Make sure you turn the wetsuit inside out as well, that way the whole suit dries out for your next surf!
When it comes to your surfboard, after every surf it's a good idea to take your leg rope off the board. This is so that it doesn’t have any wear and tear and doesn’t get tangled in-between surfs. To maintain a surfboard it is a similar process to your wetsuit. Make sure you rinse the board after every surf with fresh water. You also want to make sure you leave your board out of direct sunlight, however if you have no other option you may want to look into getting a surfboard bag or cover – this will help to ensure your board is well looked after.
If you leave your surfboard in the heat for too long, you’ll find that the wax will start to melt. So if you put your board down on the beach when you go for a swim or a sunbathe, make sure you have the deck (top of surfboard) facing the sand, and if you can, place a towel over it too. Whilst you're there, make sure you don’t leave a block of wax in your car! Because yes it will melt and it is tricky to clean! (we know from experience 🤦♀️)
It’s also a great idea to check for any compression marks or dings before and after every surf to ensure your surfboard is in a good condition. You don’t want any water to get into the board, and it’s always easier to fix small dings versus having to buy a brand new board. Cuts and dings in your surfboard can easily be fixed by a local surfboard shaper,.
Before you get into the water for a surf, remember to always check your equipment. If you do notice anything starting to fray or deteriorate in quality make sure you get it fixed ASAP. It can be dangerous to yourself and others if you head out in the water with a leg rope that is about to snap. Having quality, well looked after equipment will not only help you to keep you safe and make surfing more enjoyable, but help to keep others around you safe too.
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